Wednesday, November 19, 2008

~Our Own 'Personal Bailout' Plan For Ourselves and Others!

Hey Team,

Below is a great article from one of my mentors and Industry legend Mark Yarnell. Mark is an former Texas minister who has made millions in this industry and positively effected millions of lives in the process. He is a 'critical thinker' and amazing communicator, writer and human being who donates more money each month to church, charity and those in need than he used to make in a year as a minister and has an incredible lifestyle that includes ski trips all over the world (Mark has a house/ski chalet in Switzerland and in BC Canada) and regular para gliding adventures, this guy lives a cool life and has helped so many do the same! Mark Yarnell is someone you want to pay attention to, when he talks I listen, and suggest you might want to as well! ;)

this from Mark Yarnell, so appropriate and timely a message...Read and Heed my friends :)

The Perfect Time to Offer Our Fellow Citizens a Lifeline

Permit me to shed a little light on the economy. For years we, in Network Marketing, have been ridiculed by peers in traditional business and skilled professions for attempting to achieve our dreams and aspirations in an unconventional manner.

We have chosen to leverage ourselves through many additional associates by distributing products and services through word of mouth advertising. By removing all middle people in the supply chain and earning royalties which would have otherwise funded advertising, buildings and overhead, many of us have prospered.

We did it legally, morally and ethically. Even those who failed never suffered a great deal of financial setbacks because of the inherently low capital risks involved.

What we face today economically, both at home and abroad, is directly related to the greedy activities of men and women who refuse to play by the rules. For years many in our industry have been challenged by mainstream capitalists, the media and regulators for engaging in the creation of distribution channels which have been compared to pyramid schemes and money games.

For some reason our critics can't seem to understand why a smaller percentage of distributors make top money and the masses don't. Go figure. Bill Gates has a net worth equal to 25% of the entire US population and mainstream treats him with tremendous respect.

So why is our industry criticized by mainstream capitalists just because many Networkers don't earn huge checks? Because many mainstream capitalists are blithering idiots who try to shift the spotlight from their own professions long enough to screw everybody they can while no one is watching. That's tough language...but it's the truth.

The next time someone tells you that you're in a pyramid, feel free to pull out this newsletter and introduce him or her to a few irrefutable facts.

When people in Oxyfresh, Amway, NuSkin, Avon, Mary Kay or Shaklee run into financial challenges, they go to work and sell more products or recruit more distributors. No company in our industry's 50-year history ever ran to the government like sniveling toddlers and whined for a bailout. That's because we don't waste our time figuring out how to create screwball money games in order to take advantage of our fellow citizens.

Consider the latest Wall Street/Financial Sector pyramid scheme. Believe me, the following is no oversimplification. Here's what happened.

First, the financial sector flooded the cyber sector with massive amounts of information designed to create the illusion that any poor jerk with a computer could bone up on economics, subscribe to the right net information, and play with the big boys on Wall Street. Suddenly, half the homemakers in Japan and millions of North American cyber geniuses became convinced that they were day trading their way toward opulence and radical wealth, just like our benevolent old Investment Moses, Warren Buffet.

One brokerage company hired the gray-haired star of Law and Order to do TV commercials. My goodness, if we can't trust him, who can we trust?

Before most investors even understood the Credit Default Swap Ponzi schemes being developed, many were already using horoscope-type information to plot their strategies.

A Credit Default Swap (CDS) is simply a cheap insurance policy that supposedly kicks in and protects investors if a company goes broke or defaults.

So if the average cyber investor sees a whole bunch of people buying insurance on any one corporation, the price of insurance goes up and stock prices in that company often fall. That's when short sellers get rich because they are betting that stocks will fall during that time. Who do you suppose is buying all that cheap insurance to influence the stock values?

CDSs are cheap. A small number of sales move prices noticeably. Small-time investors take their cues from this information and poof! -- the tail is wagging the dog.

The "short" experts sail off to Tahiti. Hedge Fund managers pocket 10 million bucks a week. Day traders go into foreclosure. The financial sector slinks into Washington looking for a taxpayer bailout. 60 Minutes does one segment. Suze Orman goes on Larry King Live and tells us all a financial bedtime story about how we can cut up our credit cards and avoid the big bad wolf. And everyone lives happily ever after.

Why am I telling you these things? Because there has never been a more perfect time in the history of capitalism to throw your fellow citizens a lifeline.

Network Marketing is a safe port in the perfect storm, assuming you've picked a credible company with ethical owners, experienced corporate people and products that are efficacious and proprietary.

That doesn't mean you'll automatically become wealthy like those in the upper earnings levels because that requires loyalty, focus, sacrifice and resilience. But it does mean that you have no cap on earnings and you'll be allowed to sink or swim based on your own merit rather than throwing away your hard earned assets in some Wall Street ponzi scheme.

Wealth has always been a direct result of hard least in the field of Network Marketing. I know of no exceptions to that rule.

Timing and luck may lead to short-term gains, but not long-term prosperity.

Be proud of our profession...defend it with your words and deeds. And the next time someone ridicules you for daring to follow your dreams, move on. You are probably in the presence of a fool.

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